Become our Corporate Business Development Partner open Doors to New Opportunities

Become our Corporate Business Development Partner - open Doors to New Opportunities



Introduction of GST into the Indian taxation framework has brought along not just new laws and rules but also abundant confusion among businesses around the new tax. Businesses are unaware of the implications of GST and its impact. To add to their woes, there is lack of good knowledgeable GST experts who can guide them.

Well, you have the chance to be a part of the change as we bring to you a business opportunity within GST. All you need is to leverage it.

Yes, you read that right. We are open to businesses interested in partnering with GST DOST and offering our services to further clients through our Corporate Business Development Partner Program. You do not necessarily have to be a Chartered Accountant or a lawyer to offers services related to GST. All you need is adequate training to guide businesses to comply with GST's rules and you can add a great potential revenue channel to your existing business. GST DOST has the resources to offer you exceptional training and equip you with the knowledge to get you setup to extend our services to more people.

Express interest in partnering with GST DOST.

- Review terms and conditions.
- Get training from us.
- Get started to offer our services.
- Earn great commissions.


Embrace the change. Help businesses comply. Create a new business avenue for yourself.

Call us now on 90 8888 3000 or Email us on to know how you can become our business partner.
